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Happy Reading!

Melissa Cassidy


My Year of Wigs

My Year of Wigs

2020 unleashed a series of events that took me by surprise. Although my intensifying struggle with my hair had been brewing for some years, my dramatic health crisis, the emergence of COVID and lockdowns emboldened me to try something equally dramatic. After years of wrestling with my hair, I decided to give up the struggle and explore the unknown territory of wearing wigs.

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Painting the Door Red

Painting the Door Red

Mortgage Free! At the dawn of our 29th wedding anniversary, we are celebrating a long-dreamt milestone, the fulfillment of our home mortgage! Years of debt, homeownership and renovations, raising children, and strict budgeting, have battered the ship of our marriage,...

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8 Secrets to Creating Lifelong Love

8 Secrets to Creating Lifelong Love

February 2021 is upon us, and I have fully embraced the love theme of Valentine's Day by decorating my home in an unprecedented way. There are pink flowers, white ribbon, hearts, lights, candles, and traditional colour-themed candy. Everything that speaks of whimsical...

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New Year Goals: Daring to Dream Again in 2021

New Year Goals: Daring to Dream Again in 2021

As December drew to a close and 2021 was dawning on the horizon, I was decidedly shy about emotionally investing in new year goals. I have always advocated making life plans and daring to dream, but my optimistic agenda was drop-kicked and knocked unconscious last...

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Preparing for Winter

Preparing for Winter

Nothing about 2020 has been normal. Life has changed significantly in the wake of global events. Regardless of faith, political leanings, social-economical status, race or life season, 2020 has had an array of events and ripple effects that have touched us all....

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Group Support or Sabotage?

Group Support or Sabotage?

On a beautiful, serene Saturday morning, I paddled alongside a dear friend on a glassy river. All enduring friendships find some point of connection, and in addition to our shared faith, she is my adventure buddy. We have these, "Wouldn't it be cool to _______?"...

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Life Tsunami: Rebuilding (Part 3)

Life Tsunami: Rebuilding (Part 3)

After every crisis, there is a time of rebuilding. Even as I write this, our country of Canada is beginning to rebuild after six weeks of closing all non-essential businesses and mass quarantine to slow the spread (flatten the curve) of the COVID-19 virus. Rebuilding can be slow and painful, but it is necessary. This narrative is a recollection of the rebuilding that I experienced following my recent health crisis.

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Life Tsunami: Through the Looking Glass (Part 2)

Life Tsunami: Through the Looking Glass (Part 2)

During my sedation, I was aware that things were not going as planned. The combination of fentanyl and morphine I was given while sedated had an effect on my perception of real and imagined events. In Part 1, Life Tsunami: Surviving the Unexpected, I lay out the facts...

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Keep on posting! To be honest, I rarely read emails, blogs and such because I’m far too busy but I read yours because:

  • I trust you & your advice
  • You are so real & genuine in your writings
  • I can actually relate to your posts

Thank you for taking the time to share.

Ellen D.

Melissa, you’ve been such an inspiration to me!

So focused and organized!

Love reading your blog, you’re really a great writer.

Easy to follow and understand. Even for a foreigner! (I’m a Brazilian, Portuguese is my first language).

C. Randle