Food Convenience Services: How Goodfood and PC Express Grocery Pickup Changed My Mind
The coupon codes were everywhere. In my Facebook feed. Little coloured slips of advertising in my regular correspondence. Tempting ads in my google finds.
Another meal subscription service that promised to make my life more convenient while allowing me to enjoy better home-cooked meals.
I ignored the message. I kept on browsing. Threw the coupon codes away.
I wasn’t interested.

Serial Dieter: 12 Diets I Tried And Failed At (And What I’m Going To Try Next)
Confession: I am a Serial Dieter and this is a list of the 12 diets I’ve tried and failed at over my lifetime.
Nutrition is an overall health-related topic that needs to be included in this blog but as a serial diet failure, I was delaying as long as possible. How could I write about something that is a glaringly current personal struggle for me? Who is going to listen to my “sage” advise on nutrition when I am obviously not following it myself.