New Year Goals: Daring to Dream Again in 2021
As December drew to a close and 2021 was dawning on the horizon, I was decidedly shy about emotionally investing in new year goals. I have always advocated making life plans and daring to dream, but my optimistic agenda was drop-kicked and knocked unconscious last...
Life Tsunami: Rebuilding (Part 3)
After every crisis, there is a time of rebuilding. Even as I write this, our country of Canada is beginning to rebuild after six weeks of closing all non-essential businesses and mass quarantine to slow the spread (flatten the curve) of the COVID-19 virus. Rebuilding can be slow and painful, but it is necessary. This narrative is a recollection of the rebuilding that I experienced following my recent health crisis.

Life Tsunami: Through the Looking Glass (Part 2)
During my sedation, I was aware that things were not going as planned. The combination of fentanyl and morphine I was given while sedated had an effect on my perception of real and imagined events. In Part 1, Life Tsunami: Surviving the Unexpected, I lay out the facts...
Life Tsunami: Surviving the Unexpected (Part 1)
As my friends and I toasted the arrival of 2020 on New Year’s Eve with all my hopes and plans for the months to come, I had no idea of the events soon to crash the peaceful shore of my life. A silent storm was brewing and a life tsunami was about to break, not only for me personally but for everyone globally. Since that celebratory evening, life has taken on a surreal, cartoon-like quality with a theme similar to the post-apocalyptic movies that my family and I can’t get enough of.

3 Ingeniously Practical Ways to Expand Your Resources in 2020
Congratulations on another New Year! Are you ready to discover 3 Ingenius Practical Ways to Expand Your Resources in 2020? My Facebook feed is full of posts promising that THIS year is going to be the breakthrough year. The year of 2020 vision. The end of the struggle...
Book Review – Total Surrender: Transformation from a Self-Serving Life to God’s Servant for Life
The more I delve into the world of blogging and writing, the more I realize how important it is to build relationships with fellow bloggers and authors. Online communities have been invaluable in achieving this and I have been the recipient of unexpected, generous support from others as a result. When I announced the publishing of my first book, I met some local writers as well. One of these individuals who reached out to me is John Edward Habib, who recently authored his first book, Total Surrender: Transformation from a Self-Serving Life to God’s Servant for Life.