Life Tsunami: Rebuilding (Part 3)

Life Tsunami: Rebuilding (Part 3)

After every crisis, there is a time of rebuilding. Even as I write this, our country of Canada is beginning to rebuild after six weeks of closing all non-essential businesses and mass quarantine to slow the spread (flatten the curve) of the COVID-19 virus. Rebuilding can be slow and painful, but it is necessary. This narrative is a recollection of the rebuilding that I experienced following my recent health crisis.

Life Tsunami: Surviving the Unexpected (Part 1)

Life Tsunami: Surviving the Unexpected (Part 1)

As my friends and I toasted the arrival of 2020 on New Year’s Eve with all my hopes and plans for the months to come, I had no idea of the events soon to crash the peaceful shore of my life. A silent storm was brewing and a life tsunami was about to break, not only for me personally but for everyone globally. Since that celebratory evening, life has taken on a surreal, cartoon-like quality with a theme similar to the post-apocalyptic movies that my family and I can’t get enough of.

Book Review – Total Surrender: Transformation from a Self-Serving Life to God’s Servant for Life

Book Review – Total Surrender: Transformation from a Self-Serving Life to God’s Servant for Life

The more I delve into the world of blogging and writing, the more I realize how important it is to build relationships with fellow bloggers and authors. Online communities have been invaluable in achieving this and I have been the recipient of unexpected, generous support from others as a result. When I announced the publishing of my first book, I met some local writers as well. One of these individuals who reached out to me is John Edward Habib, who recently authored his first book, Total Surrender: Transformation from a Self-Serving Life to God’s Servant for Life.

Prophecy Fulfilled

Prophecy Fulfilled

Halloween-themed decorations and festivities are popping up everywhere. Halloween is an event that I choose not to celebrate as it promotes evil, death and fear. While I do like a good suspense thriller and even forensic crime documentaries…it needs to be from...