New Year Goals_ Daring to Dream for Pinterest

As December drew to a close and 2021 was dawning on the horizon, I was decidedly shy about emotionally investing in new year goals.

I have always advocated making life plans and daring to dream, but my optimistic agenda was drop-kicked and knocked unconscious last year. When I woke up, the world had changed, and so had I.

New Beginnings

Still, nothing inspires dreams and new year goals like a pristine, blank calendar and the promise of a fresh start.

It is a cue from the seasonal rhythm that we have yet another opportunity to reinvent ourselves as we dare to dream. Make different choices. Build new lives. 

In this spirit of new beginnings, I contemplated what was important to me, my family and my readers this coming year. The best goals choose you and not the other way around. The momentum of authentic enthusiasm works best.

If we learned anything from 2020, life as we know it can be snatched away from us at a moment’s notice. That knowledge creates urgency. It wakes up the soul and spirit from the sleep of apathy.

Right Idea, Wrong Method

Last February, I emerged from an unexpected health crisis determined to embrace and enjoy everything that life has to offer and proceeded to eat my way through the rest of the year.

Almost 20lbs later, I realize that as important as the desire to celebrate life is, I need to find another way to express that enthusiasm so I don’t make myself ill and end up back in the hospital!

Global Pain

In addition to the weight gain, I have been impacted, as we all have, by the anger, blame, criticism, fear and negativity that permeates society these days. Covid issues dominate conversations, and we are all grappling with a myriad of conflicting viewpoints. There is much real and predicted suffering globally, making it challenging to find uplifting topics to think about and express in writing.

Turning 2020 Challenges into New Year Goals

These two problems (weight gain and negativity) inspired a New Year’s resolution list that I am so excited to share with you!

Goal #1: Celebrate Every Day of 2021 (without the excess calories)

In a search for unifying, uplifting writing content, I aspired to celebrate, observe or announce every single special day in 2021. Compiling a list of all the holidays and events from multiple calendars, I started designing and scheduling posts to share online.

Starting on January 1st, all my social media accounts display these celebratory posts. Naively, I had no idea how many simultaneous dates and observances there are. The sheer volume of “holidays” resulted in multiple social media uploads on every channel, every day. It is much more work than I realized, but it’s been fun and exciting, so I’ve decided to rise to the “occasion.” Literally.

I will be sharing personal photos for some events, and for a select few, I will write about more extensively here in my blog. For the most part, though, it will merely be a steady succession of interesting expressions announcing why each day is unique and should be appreciated.

You are welcome to join in by sharing the fun special-day posts with your friends and sharing your celebratory efforts in the comments.

January 2021 Blogging Calendar

Goal #2: Create and Publish “The Appetite Reset

I have wanted to offer helpful courses to my readers since my blog’s inception, but between writing blog posts and publishing my first book, I struggled to find the time. 2020 was supposed to be the year I designed an online course, but if you have read my articles this year, you’ll understand why that never happened.

It wasn’t until I started describing my recent weight loss success to interested friends that I realized I had found my first course topic. It was very organic. So many women struggle to control eating habits and lose weight, as I do.

The Appetite Reset Results

The Appetite Reset is the first course offered by my newly formed online school called LeavingBusy Basics. It draws on my previous experience as a nutrition wellness specialist and the skills I have picked up in my weight-loss journey.

There will be a few 3-Week Group Challenges interspersed throughout this year when I will work closely with my enrolled participants. Still, The Appetite Reset is available for purchase anytime for those who wish to go through the plan independently at their convenience. The Appetite Reset is ready whenever you are motivated to tackle your weight loss goals.

I am very excited because this weight-loss approach breaks through the barriers of stubborn metabolisms and truly delivers shed pounds with minimal discomfort. The plan is designed to walk you through three eating phases in a very step-by-step, practical way. When you complete the course, you will have made a significant start toward future weight loss with all the tools you need to continue your journey. I know you will love it as much as I have.

The Appetite Reset Banner

You’re IT!

I have more new year goals and dreams, but these are the two that matter most to you. Hopefully, you are daring to dream again and join me in setting positive new year goals of your own.


Here are some simple action steps you can take to get engaged with this article:

????????‍♀️ Share this Facebook post to be entered into my monthly Tim Horton’s Gift Card drawing
????????‍♀️ To fully appreciate the diet struggle history leading to this breakthrough, please read Serial Dieter: 12 Diets I Tried And Failed At (And What I Am Going To Try Next)
????????‍♀️ Enroll in The Appetite Reset to kickstart your weight loss journey
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????????‍♀️ Follow Leaving Busy on your favourite social media channels to Celebrate Every Day of 2021!

Thanks for reading!

Melissa Cassidy 

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